Kidz Enterprise takes any concern or suspicion very seriously and will act quickly and correctly following the procedure of the Local Safeguarding Partnership.
Kidz Enterprise displays the relevant Local Authority's safeguarding information along with who to contact within Kidz Enterprise if you have a concern. This can be about a child attending one of our clubs, a member of staff or another child or adult who has contact with us.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is usually the duty manager and the Company's Designated Safeguarding Lead is Derek Beesley.
Worried about a child?
If a child is in immediate danger or at risk of immediate harm, you should contact the Police on 999.
If you are concerned about a child you should share your concern with our local Children's Social Care Service by contacting the "Front Door" at Slough Children First on 01753 875362 or email
You can also contact the NSPCC for advice on 0808 800 5000 or email
If you have non-urgent information about the safety or welfare of a child to share with the safeguarding team at Kidz Enterprise then please use the Raise a Concern Form below.
If you need an immediate response or if you are concerned for a child's immediate safety or welfare please contact the Police.
Kidz Enterprise is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all who work with us to share this commitment. This commitment extends to all adults and children that visit or have contact with our sites.

Reporting an issue
Please remember that anything that makes you feel uncomfortable should be reported to Derek Beesley on 07973 791419 or email
Safeguarding Policy
We have also created the following online form that can be completed if preferred.